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Christian Modesty

Brand Title:  Jeff Pollard

$5.00 USD


God's Word has much to say about the way we dress, especially in worship. Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America examines relevant portions of Scripture and investigates a little fashion history in order to present a Biblical doctrine of modesty. This is an important discussion for both men and women. While this controversial subject often falls into the realm of subjective experience and speculation, the author begins with a study of Holy Scripture. An examination of fashion authorities and historians of modern culture also reveals that the fashion industry, which believes that sexual attraction equals beauty, has been hard at work convincing society to undress in public. because of its unbiblical worldview, the fashion industry persistently justifies the exposure and the sensualizing of the human body, a trend that many undiscerning Christians have unfortunately adopted. Christian Modesty is an urgent call to the churches of Jesus Christ to study this matter carefully and to practice a modesty that brings glory to our Holy redeemer and gives a powerful testimony of purity within our decadent society. 

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