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General Information

What to Bring

Devotional “To Be Like Jesus” by E.G.W
Personal MacBook or Laptop (Higly Recommend)
Audio Recorder or DVD/CD Players with headphones
Bedding - pillow, twin sized sheets with several blankets
Alarm Clock
Personal Hygiene Items
Paper, Pencil, Note Book
Work and walking shoes
Work Gloves & Rubber Boots
Winter or Summer Hats
Work Clothes

What Not to Bring

Thank you for not bringing your pets.

Dress Standards

In all our attire, let us rightly represent our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

MEN: We encourage you to wear clothing that reflects the character of a Christian man. Therefore, please, no short pants and tight fitting clothing and clothing that expose unnecessary parts of the body. (i.e. sleeveless shirts)

WOMEN: We encourage you to dress modestly, simply, and neatly. That which becomes a godly woman is desired. Therefore, please, no shorts, tight fitting clothing, pants (unless covered with a dress below the calves), and clothing that exposes unnecessary parts of the body. We encourage each person to be submitted to Jesus Christ who is our Head and Savior of the body. Ephesians 5: 20-32

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