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Streams of Light: Scattering the Leaves of Life

Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters…Isa 32:20

The canvassing work, properly carried on, is missionary work of the highest order, and is as good and as successful a work as can be done in placing before the people the important truths for this time. We cannot too highly estimate this work; for were it not for the efforts of the canvasser, many would never hear the warning.  {6T 313}

The publications sent forth from our printing houses are to prepare a people to meet God. Throughout the world they are to do the same work that was done by John the Baptist for the Jewish nation. By startling messages of warning, God's prophet awakened men from worldly dreaming. Through him God called backsliding Israel to repentance. {CM 3.3}

M.E.E.T. Ministry has a deep burden for the success of the publishing work and to see the truth-filled books enter into the homes (and hearts) of those that know not God. As a result, we have again partnered with the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference to continue the work of bringing these silent messengers before the people. We are told, 

“The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers.”    {9T 117}

A team of nine canvassers faithfully went out for six weeks with literature, gaining Bible study contacts and meeting the needs of the community in central Tennessee. Some of the areas worked include: Tullahoma, Decherd, Manchester, Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, TN. We praise God for the mighty work that was wrought through His strength. We are especially thankful that The Great Controversy was our best seller!  Note these words:

The Great Controversy should be very widely circulated…I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written; for in The Great Controversy, the last message of warning to the world is given more distinctly than in any of my other books.--Letter 281, 1905.  {CM 127.1} 

Below is a brief summary of some of testimonies from this summer's canvassing campaign:

As I canvassed businesses, I entered the center of schools in a certain city. The lady at the front desk happened to be busy talking on the phone so I went in and slipped passed her. As I walked around, I happened to enter the office of the assistant head of the building. I canvassed her, and she got three books (Great Controversy, Foods that Heal, Peace Above the Storm). She asked me how I got to her office, so I told her that I just passed the lady at the entrance. She told me that I had to leave after our encounter because no one was allowed to go passed the front desk unless otherwise allowed. So I got the chance to pray with her especially about her responsibility over all these schools. She was very thankful and we parted ways. Praise God for not passing by even people in high places. Even when policy may not allow, He still knows of ways to reach His people.

-Wiljon G.

That particular morning, I was fasting and keeping a prayerful Spirit. I prayed and ask The Lord to lead the way. Prior to me going inside the "Time-Gazette" newspaper, I saw an older man seated outside and I canvassed him. He was not able to purchase anything,  but I left him with a "Happiness Digest" and prayer. He directed me to the main entrance. The Lord took me directly to speak with one of the employees who was very generous and receptive. She was interested in "Nature's Healing Way". The Lord also used her to influence others to gain interest in the books as well. She insisted that I should also canvass the manager. She called him and when I started talking with him, he took out $20 and got "Amazing Health Cookbook" then said to me, "Young lady this is a story, let me call my editor". From then on I was able to talk with the editor for that branch as well as pray for him. This is God's work, and truly it was nothing but God. There's a work to be done and I can with all my heart say that overall this is the  best canvassing program that I have been on.  Canvassing with like-minded young people who understand the mission and have the love of God is a blessing. Praise the Lord I have learned many lessons for now and for the future that God has for me. 

-Nadege I.

So I went to this house and three dogs came out from the house growling and barking. I got really nervous, so I prayed that Jesus would send the dogs away and in a few moments they went to the back of the house. I continued to knock on the door unceasingly until a woman came out. I canvassed her and at the end, she ended up getting  four books. Praise the Lord!

-Joey S.

The time spent colporteuring this summer has been a tremendous blessing. The opportunity to share my faith with those I came in contact with was the most rewarding. The experience that stood out the most, was the opportunity the Lord gave me to witness and minister to a Free Mason. The Lord had me explain to him my faith as a Seventh-Day Adventist and a variety of topics ranging from, courtship and marriage to the economy and the Federal Reserve. As the conversation drew to a close the Holy Spirit had me speak to his heart about his association with Free Masonry. Tears were in his eyes. I praise the Lord for using me. As a preparation for the ministry, these experiences will always be with me.

-Samuel T.

To the glory of God, for this work is of divine origin, nearly 2,000 silent preachers have gone into the homes. Let us keep this work and the souls of those who received the books in earnest prayer.

If you are interested in joining us for our next canvassing campaign, please call us at 731-986-3518 or email

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