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Year in Review

As in times past, this year was quite eventful for M.E.E.T. Ministry as we watched the Lord’s hand move time and time again to accomplish a most blessed work.  Each year, there are 3 major events hosted on our campus: our School of Gospel Health, Annual Camp Meeting and Annual Marriage Retreat.  

Our four-month gospel medical missionary training school had thirteen eager students.  One student was from Scotland and upon returning home, he immediately began conducting training classes and holding health retreats.  It reminded us of the parable of the master who commended his servant who used and multiplied his talent . When a student leaves our school, they might not know all there is to know, but they know the One that does and is able to serve and minister to others immediately.  He used what he did know and God continued to give him wisdom and understanding to minister to those in need.  One of our students was a literature evangelist and wanted to have knowledge of the medical missionary work to combine with her literature work. She is now using that knowledge as she continues as a bible worker/literature evangelist. Other of our students are also engaged in bible work, colporteuring, conducting gospel medical missionary training and helping the sick they come in contact with.

Our annual camp meeting this year had "Reviving the Work" for its theme with Habakkuk 3:2 being our key Scripture.  "O Lord, I have heard thy speech and was afraid: O LORD revive thy work in the midst of the years..." Our attendees were encouraged to carry forward practical preparations, spiritually, mentally and physically for the times that are upon us. We were encouraged to develop a strong, productive agricultural program and to include a greater variety of grains in our cooking in response to the problems many are having that necessitate a gluten free diet. The many medicinal uses of clay, the importance of home sanitariums, the principles of the Madison school, and a deeper understanding of true education were other topics that inspired us. We were also solemnly reminded that unless we participate in medical missionary work and agriculture, we shall not be prepared for the crisis ahead. 

One of the most fun, exciting, informative, but serious interactive marriage retreat yet was conducted in October. This year there were ten couples from around the United States and Trinidad-Tobago that were in attendance. These couples had life-changing experiences and many left anticipating to return next year.  Learning to have God as the center of their home, there was a renewing of love for each other. We wish you could hear all of the testimonies!

Besides these three major events, we have a sanitarium which ministers to individuals nine times throughout the year. Our sanitarium is a small home-style sanitarium, limiting our guests to four. This provides a more intimate atmosphere as our workers are able to draw closer to our guests.  More and more we understand the importance of having a forgiving spirit and the correlation between the mind and the body. "Sickness of the mind prevails everywhere. Nine tenths of the diseases from which men suffer have their foundation here."1 MCP59  We witnessed many souls delivered from the clutches of Satan and freed not only physically, but spiritually and mentally as well. Praise God for His wonderful simple methods of healing that address all aspects of our being!

In addition to the activity on campus, much takes place elsewhere as two teams traveled around the world giving messages of health, hope and healing.  Two full evangelistic efforts were conducted on American soil with bible workers and canvassers being utilized before and during the meetings. To the glory of God a total of 16 souls were baptized as a result of these two efforts  Besides many cities here in the United States, seminars were held in Suriname, Zambia, Austria  and the Netherlands drawing many to a richer experience with God and a fuller appreciation of the blessings He has provided for us in the provisions He has given us in the health message. An untold number of lives have been changed. 

We have also participated in a number of community health expos this year with more planned for next. Still more, our literature evangelism team were actively engaged in several campaigns this year ensuring that the silent messengers of truth were placed in as many homes as possible. A final winter campaign is scheduled for the year, continuing our efforts to spread the light of truth through the publishing work.

As we survey the close of this year, all we can exclaim is “Praise God!” May we all continue to grow in a knowledge of Him and learn to trust the Lord fully, allowing His image to be perfectly reproduced in us. 

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